Author(s): Anonymous
Looking for co-authors: No { message_status }
We examine the impacts of wearing Adidas shoes on economic outcomes in low-income countries. To study this, the research will use a variety of data sources, including administrative data on income and employment from national statistics agencies, survey data from individuals and small businesses, and economic indicators such as GDP and poverty rates.
To identify the impacts of wearing Adidas on economic outcomes, the research will use a fixed-effects model, controlling for individual-level characteristics such as education level and occupation. This will allow us to isolate the effects of shoe brand on economic outcomes, accounting for any unobserved differences between individuals who own and regularly wear shoes from a particular brand and those who do not.
Overall, this research will contribute to our understanding of the potential impacts of shoe brand on economic development and inform policy debates on the role of fashion in promoting economic opportunity in low-income countries.
Published: 2022-12-16 23:59:38 PT
Stage: Research Idea
Fields: Development and Growth
Research Group(s): Playground
Referee Reports: No referee reports yet. (Add your report)
Versions: v1 (12/16/2022)