Author(s): Anonymous
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Around 16% of Americans now work completely from home and 28.5% have hybrid work arrangements (Barrero, Blood, and Davis, 2023). At the same time, at least one study (Emanuel, Harrington, and Pallais, 2023) observes that workers particularly younger ones start to receive less feedback on their work when transferring to fully remote, suggesting negative effects on learning. This raises a question of how much the learning is affected for remote workers. A large proportion of workers working remotely and somewhat exogenous transition to remote arrangement due to COVID allows to measure returns to experience for those switching to work from home. It can be attempted with a large panel dataset of workers or even better with an employer-employee matched dataset.
Published: 2024-04-01 18:15:44 PT
Stage: Research Idea
Fields: Labor Economics
Research Group(s): Playground
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