Author(s): Anonymous
Looking for co-authors: No { message_status }
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Are consumers sensitive to carbon emission labels? Evidence on calorie counts a little mixed; this review suggests they do lower consumption: The study can be done in the field by offering to label a portion of consumer goods or in the lab by offering to purchase consumer goods with different labels. Ideally needs to be done with several brands and several types of consumer goods. (Inspired by Arpit Gupta's tweet).
Published: 2022-11-17 20:04:09 PT
Stage: Research Idea
Fields: Agricultural and Environmental
Research Group(s): Playground
Referee Reports: No referee reports yet. (Add your report)
Versions: v1 (11/17/2022)
Anonymous Feb. 18, 2023, 11:13 a.m.
Se also "Equilibrium Effects of Food Labeling Policies" by Nano Barahona, Cristóbal Otero, and Sebastián Otero (forthcoming in Econometrica) for a way to estimate demand effects with scanner-level data of real purchases and incorporate them with a structural model to calculate counterfactuals.